Monday, June 9, 2008

Made with Love

Like I said last week, I'm going through a bit of a DIY-dry patch what with...erm... there being not enough hours in the day. It's some bad day-pie carving I know which I will try to alleviate. However, it doesn't stop me from acquiring items that are obviously MADE WITH LOVE, a quality which my DIY items are often overflowing with but rather lacking in *ahem* skill. Such is the time poor, cash rich (well...not MASSES of cash.... but in proportion to time right now.... there is definitely more of the latter...) existence that I'm living leaving me no choice but to seek out the ready-made 'Made with Love' items...

At least my new MADE WITH LOVE items are faring pretty well in the quality department. This vintage bag which I first spotted on Lady Coveted (thanks Lady C for the tip-off) and immediately snapped from Etsy has this hand painted swirly design that loosely resembles a dragon. What I love are the linear lines and the multi-coloured shading that is both on the inside, sides AND the back of the bag. I hate neglected facets and embellishment that doesn't go all the way round the back of dresses is a big pet peeve for instance.

Hpbag1 Hpbag2


Hpbag4 Hpbag5

Then there's my new SS08 Michelle Lowe Holder top which is available online. There's beading and tulle going on in the neckline and the delicate fabric is then handprinted with a black dandelion and floral pattern that goes ever so well with the touches of yellow. It's sort of easy-breezy summer compressed into a top and it has the ability to handle the hot weather today with ease (i.e. no odd sweating and I felt cool temperature-wise in it...).

Mlhtop1 Mlhtop2


Mlhtop3 Mlhtop4

I promise, my time poor ways will end soon but in the meantime, is there any frickin' way of buying a few hours? Seriously.... name the price....I'm open for negotiation here...

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